With 24SevenOffice you can continue receiving supplier invoices directly to 24SevenOffice. CostTracker only read data such as suppliers, nominal codes, projects, and departments and read accounting transactions from 24SevenOffice and match these with Purchase orders in CostTracker based on pre-defined rules.

How to set up the integration
To enable the integration you simply log in from CostTracker by going into Settings --> Integrations and select 24SevenOffice

Log in using your 24SevenOffice Email and Password.
Integration filter
After connecting, you will have the ability to set up a filter for which data you want to ready from 24SevenOffice.

Start date - only transactions after this date will be transferred to CostTracker.
G/L code - here you can set intervals of G/L accounts (for example 4000-4999), individual accounts or combinations (as displayed above)
Project - select one or multiple Project(s)
Department - select one or multiple Department(s)
Automatic matching criteria
In order to automate as much as possible, you can set criteria for when accounting transactions should be automatically matched with a purchase order. This can also be set later under Accounting --> Accounting Transactions (grey symbol in the top right corner)

When setting the automatic matching criteria you can choose between the following. Each activated criteria will be run in sequence.

The matching criterias run in sequence, meaning that if more than one is enabled it will test the one on the top first, then the next, and so on until it has a match.
PO number on invoice - Match if the purchase order number is entered in the "Purchase order no / Bestillingsnr" field in the accounting system.
PO number in description field - Match if the PO number is part of the description field in the accounting system
Same supplier and project (1:1) - Match if there is only one open purchase order on the same supplier and project
Same supplier and value is +/- x % - Match if there is a 1:1 match within the same percentage rate, for example, if set to 10% and the PO value is 100 and the invoice value is between 90 and 110.
Same supplier and value is +/- x - Match if there is a 1:1 match within the same percentage rate, for example, if set to 10 and the PO value is 100 and the invoice value is between 90 and 110.
After setting the matching criteria, save changes or refresh (if you want to synchronize data)
In the Accounting transaction view, you can see what has been matched automatically ("Auto-matched") and what has been matched manually ("Matched") and you also have the link to the relevant purchase order and invoice.

Synchronizing data
Data is automatically synchronized every night, but you can also perform a manual synchronization by selecting the refresh symbol in the top right section under "Suppliers" or under "Accounting transactions". See the example from the Supplier section below: