You can import your list of planned purchases (Bill of material) under My purchases --> Planned Purchases and select Upload list in the top right corner.
Here you can export a template file that you can use for uploading.
The file consists of the following fields:
- Budget code (mandatory)
- Category code - this is the budget category code
- Currency - if empty, the company base currency will be used
- Item number (mandatory and unique)- will replace existing lines if the same exists from before
- Description (mandatory)
- Quantity
- Unit measure
- Unit price
- Value - (mandatory) - If empty, this will be calculated based on Unit price x Quantity
- Supplier code
- Order date - If empty, this will be calculated based on Delivery date minus Lead time
- Lead time (mandatory) - if empty, this will be calculated based on Delivery date minus Order date
- Delivery date (mandatory)
Once the file is filled out with the above information, it can be imported by select file and import.