Invoice matching with purchase orders

3 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

This article explains how matching purchase orders with invoices work for companies using CostTracker with easy invoice matching (without supplier invoice module).

To understand the difference between the two configuration options, please read this article first.

Invoice matching for non-integrated accounts

For companies that are not integrated with the accounting system, you can simply add invoice transactions to the purchase order.

Select Accounting --> Purchase orders

Open the relevant purchase order and click "Add new transaction" in the bottom section.


The only field you have to add is the "Value" field, but you can add more information to make it easier to find and reconcile information later. 

Note! If you are using cash flow forecasting it is important that you enter the right date as well.

Invoice matching for integrated accounts

 For integrated accounts, you can set up a filter and matching criteria that allow CostTracker to read data from the accounting system and match automatically with the purchase order. CostTracker will then also add the invoice document along with the transaction. Transactions that are not automatically matched will be displayed under "Accounting" --> "Accounting transactions" and can be matched manually or added directly to a budget.

Filter and matching criterias

The filter is set up as part of the integration. Please see the documentation for the relevant integration for exact information. The matching criterias can be set up and adjusted under "Accounting transactions"


The matching criterias run in sequence, meaning that if more than one is enabled it will test the one on the top first, then the next, and so on until it has a match. 

PO number on invoice - Match if the purchase order number is entered in the PO field (if applicable) in the accounting system

PO number in description field - Match if the PO number is part of the description field in the accounting system

Same supplier and project (1:1) - Match if there is only one open purchase order on the same supplier and project

Same supplier and value is +/- x % - Match if there is a 1:1 match within the same percentage rate, for example, if set to 10% and the PO value is 100 and the invoice value is between 90 and 110.

Same supplier and value is +/- x - Match if there is a 1:1 match within the same percentage rate, for example, if set to 10 and the PO value is 100 and the invoice value is between 90 and 110. 

In the Accounting transaction view, you can see what has been matched automatically ("Auto-matched") and what has been matched manually ("Matched") and you also have the link to the relevant purchase order and invoice.


Note! When changing the matching criteria you need to click on the refresh button (blue button in the top right section) to run the new matching criteria

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