Payment dates and changes in payment types

1 min. readlast update: 01.28.2022

Default calculation of payment date

By default, the payment date for each purchase order is set to the delivery date, plus payment days in the payment terms. If no delivery date is chosen, the system will assume today's date. For payment days, the system will use the following in ranked order

  1. The payment days on the purchase order
  2. The payment days for the supplier
  3. The payment days set as a parameter in the cash flow module (under Settings --> Company).

Changing payment types (work in progress)

You can also change from the default calculation to select the following calculation of payment types:

  1. Specific date - then you can set a specific payment date for a purchase order
  2. Milestones - You can define a milestone schedule for the payment calculation consisting of multiple delivery dates and payment dates.
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