Receive goods

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

All purchases that have the status "Sent to supplier" or "Invoiced" will be available for goods receipt. Here you can either perform multiple partial receipts or one full receipt as explained further in this article.

How to perform a full receipt

Go to "Receive" and open the applicable purchase order. In the bottom section, select "Receive all". You will then be asked to include a comment and you can add a document if you like.


How to perform a partial receipt

To perform a partial receipt click on the "Add new delivery" option below 


Here you can enter the number of items received for each line and the total value of the delivery is calculated. You can also add items as "Fail" is for example some items did not pass the quality check. You can also add comments to each line or documents related to the total order.


For companies using the invoice module, the accounting function will then see if the order is not fully received and can see the details of what has been received to ensure that the invoice is correct.


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