Revise purchase orders

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

Revising purchase orders allows you to change purchase orders that are already sent to the supplier and keep track of the versions that are sent and when.

How to revise a purchase order

Open a purchase order in the Archive or from My purchases and "Show completed purchase orders". Select "Revise"


The purchase order will then receive a revision number behind the original purchase order number (for example 2021-0001_Rev1) and you can make necessary changes, sent the purchase order for approval, and send it again to the supplier.

The original purchase order will be kept as a record as an internal file and as part of the audit trail.


All users with the Purchaser role can revise their own purchase orders or others as well if access to the Archive (separate role) until the purchase order is marked as completed. After the purchase order is marked as completed only the administrator can revise a purchase order.

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